Medica Mondiale
medica mondiale is a non-governmental organisation based in Germany which stands up for women and girls in war and crisis zones throughout the world. medica mondiale supports women and girls having experienced sexualised violence, regardless of political, ethnic or religious affiliation.
picture: Sybille Fezer / medica mondiale |
Plan Mädchen FondsYoung women and girls in Africa, Asia and South America often face strong disadvantages compared to boys and men in these countries. This fund directly supports deveopment opportunities for these girls and women
picture: plan/ mark read |
FootprintFOOTPRINT is a non-governmental organization headquatered in Vienna that supports women who are affected by human rights abuses due to human trafficking. To their activities belong among other things German lessons, sport classes and clothing drives for affected women.
picture: footprint.or.at Herzwerk WienHerzwek is a NGO based in Vienna that supports people who are or were in prostitution . The team gives advice and supports affected women in every situation - from translation of official documents to the information about their right to stay in Austria. They strongly support people who want to change their occupation.
#wirtun FrauenfondsThe Caritas women´s fund #wirtun is directed to women in Austria that are really in need. It was build out of the #metoo movement with the intention to really move something. It aims to support women who live on the streets, to strengthen the offer of mother-child- units for women who are vitctims of violence, etc.
UN Women National Commitee Austria:
The Committee is based in Vienna and is collecting donations for UN Women projects worldwide like safe spaces for women in the largest refugee camps for Syrians in Jordan: Za'atari and Azraq. In these oasis, education programmes, advanced trainings, jobs and kindergardens are available for women. More than 5,000 Syrian women and girls visit safe spaces in the Za’atari camp per month. Through attending these programmes, women have a structured daily routine and with the trainings they are empowered for their future lives, when they can go home back to Syria. |